Terms & conditions

Please read carefully the following terms and conditions of use of the Website. Each time you use the Website, you agree that you fully and without reservation accept the terms and conditions of use contained herein and are bound to comply with them. In case you do not agree and do not accept the following terms and conditions, please do not proceed to use the Website. Those with full legal capacity are entitled to use the Website. The use of the Website by minors under the age of 14 is permitted only with the express consent of the adults exercising their care, who are solely responsible for the protection of the minors. Minors under the age of 14 are prohibited from using the individual pages and services of the Website which, according to the law, are intended exclusively for adults.

I agree and irrevocably accept the following terms and conditions:


4jparts.com may suspend or permanently suspend the operation of the Website for a temporary reason and time as well as modify or renew these terms of use. In some cases 4jpparts.com undertakes to inform the users/visitors of this Website about the above amendment or change.

In the event that the use of any service of the Website is governed by specific terms of use, such terms shall apply together with these terms. In the event of a conflict, the specific terms of use of each service shall prevail.


The user accepts that this website does not exist to a) illegally collect or store data about others, b) send, publish or transmit any content that is illegal or causes harm to our company or anyone, c) send, reproduce, publish, send by e-mail, or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trademark, trade secret, company copyright or other proprietary rights of any third party. The responsibility for the general use of the website and for the content of the transactions belongs exclusively to the user/customer.
Any illegal use of the website will result in automatic termination of the services provided without any notice.

The user/visitor bears sole responsibility for the good and proper use of the Website, as well as the responsibility for any possible damage that may be caused to him or to any third party due to or on the occasion of the above use, as well as to fully indemnify 4jpparts.com against any action brought by any third party as a result of improper or illegal use of the Website. In any case of illegal or contrary to these terms and the currently applicable legal framework for the use of the Website, the visitor/user is obliged to compensate 4jpparts.com for any positive and/or collateral damage he/she may suffer from the above actions.


Our company bears no responsibility or obligation to compensate for any damage resulting from the inability to provide support services and does not guarantee that the service will be uninterrupted or that there will be no technical error due to the nature of the Internet. The company is not liable to customers/users for damages resulting from their execution or ordering or for errors in the data entered by the user/customer in the order forms, as well as for any errors in prices or product characteristics. The company also reserves the right to deliver the products in cases of force majeure.


4jpparts.com is in no way responsible for the content/services of other websites, whose “links” (hyperlinks) or advertisements are posted on the Website, are not guaranteed their availability and are not responsible for any damage that may occur caused by their use, as the visitor/user gains access to them under his own sole responsibility.


In accordance with Directive 2013/11/EC, which was incorporated in Greece with Decree-Law 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic resolution of consumer disputes with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process throughout the European Union is now provided for. If the customer has the status of a consumer (i.e. a natural person acting in a non-professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase made from our Website, he can initiate the ADR procedure through the single EU-wide platform for electronic dispute resolution (platform ODR) available at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage


4jpparts.com may keep and process the file of personal data that users/visitors voluntarily enter on the Website, always in accordance with the applicable provisions on the protection of individuals from the processing of personal data and under the use of security procedures. Website users/visitors acknowledge and accept the maintenance and processing of their personal data for the purposes for which they submit it to 4jpparts.com. In any case, each subject of the above personal data retains vis-à-vis the “Company” all the rights of the currently applicable legislative framework regarding his personal data, i.e. right of information, right of access and right of objection.

4jpparts.com declares and the customers-users accept that the personal data collected by the Website and concerning the customers-users will be used to manage their request, i.e. to support, promote and execute the business relationship as well as informing him about future offers and advertising actions of the Website. The recipient of these data is exclusively the Website in the context of the transaction as well as any natural or legal person to whom the Website is obliged or entitled to communicate the data based on the current legislation, based on the consent of the client-user, law or court decision.

Users/visitors are solely responsible for any entry of personal data of third parties on the Website without relevant authorization/consent, as well as for the submission of false, untrue or inaccurate information and data with the purpose of deceiving or misleading. In the event that access to individual websites or services of the Website requires the use of a username and password and/or further information (e.g. E-Mail, First Name, Surname, Landline Phone, Mobile Phone, Age, Address), the user/visitor declares and accepts that he is solely responsible for their use or their possible leakage by himself or third parties. He also declares and accepts that the above information is true, accurate and valid and that he is solely responsible for any act he wanted to carry out with their use, as well as that he assumes the responsibility of immediately informing the “Company” of any unauthorized use of them and for any violation or leakage thereof.

4jpparts.com is not responsible for any harm or damage caused by the arbitrary or illegal use of the above information and reserves the right to request compensation from the user, in case he suffers any kind of damage from the arbitrary or illegal use of them , as well as to refuse the granting of a password or to cancel the granted password or to terminate the provision of these services to the user in case of violation of these terms of use.

During your visit to the pages of www.4jpparts.com and in order to order products, but also to ensure the possibility of communicating with you to inform you about our new products, it is possible that you will be asked to declare information concerning you (name , occupation, e-mail address, address, etc.).
Any personal data that you declare anywhere on the pages and services of the website www.4jpparts.com are intended solely for the purpose of ensuring the operation of the respective service and may not be used by any third party, without complying with the provisions of Law. 2472/97 on the protection against processing of personal data, as it applies from time to time.
The online store www.4jpparts.com operates in accordance with the applicable Greek and Community legislation and keeps your personal data securely for as long as you are registered in any service of www.4jpparts.com which is deleted after the end of the transactional relationship. The personal data you declare in the online store www.4jpparts.com is used exclusively by it or companies collaborating with it, for the purpose of supporting, promoting and executing the business relationship. The data kept in the file may be disclosed to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities upon their legal request and in accordance with the applicable legislative provisions. The customer has, within the framework of telecommunications privacy legislation, the rights of information and objection provided for in articles 11 to 13 of Law 2472/1997. The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR 2016/679), any more specific national and European legislation for certain sectors, the currently applicable Greek legislation for the protection of personal data, as well as for the protection personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (PDPA).


SSL – Secure Socket Layer: Our company has implemented procedures that protect the personal data that the user/customer enters on the website, using SSL – Secure Socket Layer technology). SSL technology relies on a session key to encrypt data before it is sent over the SSL connection. The server decrypts the security key using its private key and establishes a secure connection). The key size is 2,048 bits


A cookie is a small piece of data sent to the client’s browser by a web server and stored on the client’s computer’s hard drive. Cookies do not cause damage to the customer’s computer system and do not affect its functionality. Cookies also make web browsing easier for the customer by saving their settings.

The site 4jpparts.com uses cookies to provide specialized services and content that covers the interests of the customer. The above cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but the customer usually has the option to set his browser to prevent them. Even without cookies, the customer can use most of the services of 4jpparts.com.

Personal Information

Due to the specificity of the 4jpparts.com web site (online store), personal information is required in order to make it possible to send the products to the address and to the person of each user/customer. This information is not made known to third parties, nor is it used for any other purpose. In particular, between 4jpparts.com and the customer, the following are expressly and unconditionally agreed:

A) 4jpparts.com declares and the customer accepts that the personal data collected by 4jpparts.com and concerning the customer will be used for the management of his request, i.e. the support, promotion and execution of the business relationship as well as his information regarding the future offers and advertising actions of 4jpparts.com The recipient of this information is exclusively 4jpparts.com in the context of the transaction as well as any natural or legal person to whom, under the current legislation, 4jpparts is obliged or entitled to communicate the information. com based on customer consent, law or court order.

B) 4jpparts.com declares that during the period of keeping said data / personal data it will use them lawfully, taking the necessary security and confidentiality measures? of these. 4jpparts.com will delete this data from its file in accordance with current legislation.

C) The customer, in writing to 4jpparts.com, has the right to be informed about his personal data held by him, the right to object and correct them (as well as the right to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data concerning him at any time in accordance with the current legislation (articles 11 to 13 of Law 2472/1997).)

D) 4jpparts.com takes all appropriate measures to secure the privacy of user/customer communications and transmitted information and data in accordance with applicable law. However, 4jpparts.com does not guarantee the security of data transmitted through networks to the extent that their protection is not achieved by taking appropriate security measures imposed by law and related any direct, indirect, positive, collateral, material or non-material damage that the user may have suffered from his access to the internet.

E) For any differences that may arise between customers or between customers and third parties and are due to messages, data, data or information that are traded through 4jpparts.com, the latter declares that any removal of the privacy of the customer’s telecommunications is only permitted if and in insofar as 4jpparts.com is called upon to fulfill an obligation in accordance with applicable law. It is expressly agreed that the above terms are governed by Greek Law, the decisions of the statutory bodies of the State that apply to electronic communications transactions as well as the applicable relevant provisions.


For any clarification and provision of information related to the use of the Website, the user/visitor can contact 4jpparts.com

Email: info@4jpparts.com

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